Monday, March 31, 2008

Feelin' Sexy?

Since this is a "Photo Blog" (and you bet your sweet arse I did the air-quotes when I typed that) I thought I'd give everyone a quick update as to what is going on with good old Kari Noser Photography as of late:

1) I'm moving to Amsterdam.

Yeah, pick your jaw up off the floor, we found out Friday from Kip's boss that we're headed to the Netherlands, as soon as June 1st of this year. Yes, I am panicked. No, I am not packed. Because of this, sadly, I am not taking any more new bookings in the US. Now, if I said, "Oh my god I want to take pictures of your baby!" or whatever then email me and I will see what I can do for you.

2) Before I go, I'm building up my Boudoir portfolio!

So, if you want to take your clothes off for me, and you're female, drop me a line. If you want to take your clothes off for me, and you're male... thanks.

Seriously, though, I have just a few weekends left, so if you want to arrange a session at your home or if you have a few friends that want to split an awesome hotel room for a weekend, please let me know soon. I will have a few more samples of work available after this weekend, and if you're available this weekend, you could be one of them!

3) I need to get rid of a lot of crap.

None of it related to photography. We have a bedroom set, a storage unit full of crap, and gobs of paper that just needs to go. So, once I wrap up the month of April (which includes my birthday, so please plan accordingly) I am going to be a lean, mean, yard-sellin' machine. And I will probably be on a first-name basis with the folks at Sand Dollar and Value Village, too.

So, that's what's going on here. If you want to just hear me rant about packing, customs, passports and all other things Amsterdam-related, go here:

I will attempt to keep the Photography News separated from the Netherlands Goings-On.


Jesse said...

first dibs on anything electronic.

Kari said...

You can't have the Apple TV. You already have one. You will have to fight Anne for the 7 year old xbox.